Hailing from a magical land called New Jersey, Rachel Khona is a writer, storyteller, speaker, and entrepreneur.
Rachel has written for outlets such as Playboy, Penthouse, The Washington Post, Maxim, Allure, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Bustle, Shape, and The New York Times. Her willingness to engage in complete and utter nonsense like rent a guy for a party or cast a sex spell has led her to eschew the traditional Indian doctor path and landed her a career as an accidental writer.
She has been featured on the morning show "Indy Style", radio shows such as Playboy's "Tiffany Granath", "Poundstone Power" and "Broadminded" on Sirius XM, and AskMen's video series. She has been quoted and/or interviewed for Redbook, Houston Press, Rebel Magazine, and Coed Magazine. She has also interviewed Donald Trump (blech) on the red carpet, wrestlers on Staten Island, and a New Orleans voodoo priestess.
In her spare time, she enjoys drinking wine, eating cheese, and listening to music. Sometimes all at once.
Along the way, she spent an evening with Pamela Anderson, manifested a guy who looked like Jesus, heard Gwen Stefani pee, and got stranded in the Pyrenees.
Follow her on IG @ crimsonandclover_studio, TikTok @ crimsonandclover_studio and Substack rachelkhonawriter.substack.com
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